Kabinetter – Beskyttelse af elektronisk udstyr
Kabinetter spiller en central rolle i beskyttelsen af elektronisk udstyr. De fungerer som robuste skjolde, der sikrer, at elektronikken forbliver intakt under forskellige forhold. Disse kabinetter er designet til at modstå støv, fugtighed og andre eksterne påvirkninger, der kunne skade elektronikken. Ved at indkapsle elektronikken i et kabinet opretholdes pålidelig drift og levetid. Et kabinet findes i forskellige størrelser og konfigurationer for at imødekomme forskellige behov og applikationer.
Et kabinet anvendes til at omkranse og sikre elektronik, ligesom det kendes fra kapslinger og monteringskasser. Kabinetter fremstilles både i hård plast, stål og andre hårdføre materialer. De fås både i standardstørrelser som 19″, men også i kundespecificerede størrelser
Leverandører af Kabinetter:
Cabinet System
Europavej 8
8990 Fårup
Tlf.: 7027 3626
DANBIT A/S - Dansk Binær Teknik
Værkstedsvej 39
4600 Køge
Tlf.: +45 56 66 20 20
E-mail: salg@danbit.dk
EFB-Elektronik Nordic A/S
Naverland 22
2600 Glostrup
Tlf.: +4544662911
E-mail: info(at)efb-nordic.dk
Generatorvej 8C
2860 Søborg
Tlf.: 36867910
E-mail: info-denmark@eaton.com
Fibox A/S
Taastrup Hovedgade 101, 1 sal
2630 Taastrup
Tlf +45 43 71 80 55
E-mail: ordre@fibox.com
Freenet Danmark ApS
Arnold Nielsens Boulevard 65
2650 Hvidovre
Tlf.: 47 16 22 24
E-mail: freenet@freenet-danmark.dk
Industriparken 17
4450 Jyderup
Tlf.: +45 59258100
E-mail: info@jjas.dk
Legrand Danmark A/S
Stamholmen 155, 3. Sal
2650 Hvidovre
Tlf.: 36 34 05 90
Mail: Mail: info.danmark@legrand.com
Max Fodgaard A/S
Sydholmen 10
2650 Hvidovre
Tel: 70 26 17 00
E-mail: max@fodgaard.dk
Phoenix Contact A/S
Hammerholmen 43 C
2650 Hvidovre
Tlf.: 36 77 44 11
E-mail: kundeservice@phoenixcontact.dk
Schneider Electric Danmark A/S
Lautrupvang 1
2750 Ballerup
Tlf.: 88 30 20 00
TME - Transfer Multisort Elektronik Sp. z o.o.
ul. Ustronna 41
93-350 Łódź, POLAND
Mere viden om Kabinetter:
Materialerne, der anvendes til at konstruere et kabinet, er af høj kvalitet for at sikre robusthed og beskyttelse. Avancerede låse- og sikkerhedsfunktioner sikrer, at udstyret er beskyttet mod uautoriseret adgang eller manipulation. Installation og vedligeholdelse er ofte enkel, hvilket reducerer drifts- og vedligeholdelsesomkostninger. Deres alsidighed gør dem velegnede til en bred vifte af anvendelser, fra industrielle miljøer til hjemmeautomatiseringssystemer. Et kabinet er designet til at sikre optimal termisk styring, hvilket sikrer, at elektronikken fungerer effektivt under forskellige temperaturforhold. Integrerede kabelstyringssystemer holder kabler organiserede og beskyttede, hvilket letter installationsprocessen.
Fremtidig udvidelse og opgradering er ofte taget i betragtning ved design af kabinetter, hvilket sikrer deres langsigtede anvendelighed. Deres ergonomiske design gør dem nemme at integrere i forskellige miljøer uden større tilpasninger. Samlet set er et kabinet afgørende for at sikre pålidelig drift og beskyttelse af elektronisk udstyr i en lang række applikationer.
Certificerede kabinetter fra Rittal
Certificerede kabinetter fra Rittal
Forestil dig... Kan du lige et øjeblik forestille dig, at der ikke er nogen grund til at bekymre dig om, at interne ændringer kan kompromittere den internationale certificering af dit kompakte kabinet.
Udholdenhedstest i henhold til internationale retningslinjer og regelmæssige produktionsaudits af eksterne testinstitutter garanterer overholdelse af globale standarder for at maksimere sikkerhed og pålidelighed. AX apparatskab skiller sig ud med sin UL_godkendelse, IP-klassificering og beskyttelseskategorier.
Forbliver godkendelserne gyldige efter installation eller ændring af kabinettet? Svaret er JA! Indvendige installationsskinner kan monteres uden boring. Tilbehør som dørkontakter og skabsbelysning monteres direkte på disse skinner. Derudover er AX-tilbehør, der er monteret til at lukke af eller tætne eksisterende udskæringer i skabet, også UL-godkendt – for eksempel vægbeslag, som fastgøres udefra med selvskærende skruer. Der er ingen mekanisk modifikation af kabinettet, og AX'ens originale integritet forbliver intakt – hverken UL-godkendelsen eller beskyttelsesgraden kompromitteres
TME – ARCA enclosures by Fibox
ARCA enclosures by Fibox
In english: Advantages of cabinets made of reinforced polycarbonate
Cabinets made of metal are considered as the best protective solutions for electric, control or communication systems. This particularly rings true when they are mounted outdoors and exposed to environmental factors. However, the ARCA series of cabinets made of reinforced polycarbonate appears to be a real and appealing alternative to the above-mentioned solutions. Fibox is a company specialising in manufacturing diverse types of enclosures incorporated in industrial automation, electric engineering, telecommunications and power engineering systems. Innovative solutions from this supplier are always characterised by durability, and their designs meet diverse customers’ needs. We have recently presented a comprehensive overview of the Fibox product range, and now we would like to tell you a bit more about a specific group of products, i.e. ARCA series of cabinets.
This article covers the following issues:
· Advantages of polycarbonate cabinets
· Solutions included in the ARCA series
· Tailoring cabinet design to specific applications
· More and less typical Fibox cabinet applications
Characteristics of the ARCA series of cabinets
The ARCA series is a range of wall-mounted enclosures designed to protect electric and electronic equipment in harsh environmental conditions (also those mounted outdoors). The range of possible applications of these products is very broad and requires a separate description (which we include below). Let us first highlight their key advantages, i.e. a wide selection of versions, attractive prices, relatively low weight and ease of customisation, all that combined with a long service life. It should also be emphasised that the manufacturer offers a range of accessories to facilitate enclosure customisation to various specific application needs.
Material and design
The ARCA enclosures are manufactured by injection moulding, from glass-reinforced polycarbonate. They do not dry out and delaminate when exposed to sunlight (UV radiation), as is the case with structures made of ABS or similar plastics. Another advantage of polycarbonate is its 100% recyclability (if it is disposed of in a proper way). Even in a very long-term perspective, ARCA enclosures will not contribute to the mass of waste characterised by long biodegradability time.
Plastic enclosures also offer several additional advantages:
· their weight amounts to about half that of comparable steel products (easier to handle and mount at heights);
· body walls are electrically insulated (insulation of 1500 V as defined by Directive 2006/95/EC), while remaining permeable to radio waves** (remote control, Wi-Fi/Bluetooth/GPS communication);
· polycarbonate is resistant to corrosion and water, which facilitates manufacturing of perfectly fitting parts at a low cost, which translates into a high degree of protection (IP66 rating) and an affordable price. Note that ARCA enclosures are also equal to their
counterparts made of soft metal in terms of their mechanical resistance. They demonstrate the highest degree of impact resistance, i.e. IK10 (impact energy up to 20 J). It is possible thanks to combining glass-enriched polycarbonate with structural solutions such as double walls and corner reinforcement features.
Versions, sizes and modification capabilities
The ARCA enclosures come in the following sizes: from 300 x 200 x 150 mm to 800 x 600 x 300 mm. Thus, they can be used both to protect controllers, switchgear or control panels, and to create less complex installation points (e.g. a cabinet for a single fuse or environmental sensor). These cabinets come with doors secured by either levers or locks that can be opened with a universal tool (in 1 or 2 points). For models equipped with a handle, a lock key insert can be purchased to further protect their interior against unauthorised access. Selected models come with glazed doors facilitating monitoring of the equipment placed inside. ARCA302015N Enclosures CLIARCA405E Accessories MPPARCA2030 Mounting plates PMK-ARCA30 Assembly elements
Mounting and customisation elements
Apart from complete cabinets, the ARCA product series also encompasses enclosure customisation and mounting accessories. Several solutions can be identified within this product group. Perhaps the most important ones are mounting plates placed inside the cabinet base to attach components without compromising its structural integrity. These are made from sheet steel, either solid, pre-punched or perforated. A plate is designed to be mounted using the holes matching the sleeves incorporated into the cabinet structure. Other related accessories include frames with DIN rails facilitating ARCA product customisation aimed at installing typical network elements (overcurrent circuit breakers, residual current circuit breakers, power supplies, relays, etc.). The above-mentioned products are delivered with covers securing live components (standard dimensions, the same as in typical distribution cabinets).
Kits used to mount ARCA cabinets on poles are another example of important accessories. They consist of a set of screws, stiffening profiles, spacers and metal clamps. Moreover, Fibox also provides door opening limiters, wall-mounting brackets, corner supports, replaceable hinges and canopies.
A huge advantage of plastics is that they are easy to customise. Obviously, making additional holes will unseal the enclosure, but this is not a problem as long as the installer uses re-sealing elements (e.g. cable glands). The above-mentioned accessories and ease of customisation are obvious advantages which make it possible to tailor an ARCA enclosure to almost any specific application. Obviously, the most typical applications are related to power supply circuits for electric and power installations. Nevertheless, since the cabinet interior can be freely customised, their applications also include automation systems in the broadest possible context, i.e.: machinery controllers, HVAC system controllers, alarm systems (fire alarm, anti-intrusion systems). Plastics are permeable for radio signals, so the presented solutions are ideal for the protection of industrial and consumer IoT devices, such as remote sensors and controllers. They are also perfect solutions for PV systems, automated agricultural irrigation systems, as well as protective elements for temporary connections at construction sites. It can be easily stated that ARCA cabinet applications are in fact more limited by their users’ imagination than by their mechanical characteristics.
Text prepared by Transfer Multisort Elektronik Sp. z o.o.
Hans Følsgaard – Flexfusion ™ XGL – Kabinetter til maksimal skalerbarhed i datacentre
Flexfusion ™ XGL – Kabinetter til maksimal skalerbarhed i datacentre
Da kravene til datacentre udvikler sig konstant, er det vigtigt, at kabinetløsninger tilbyder maksimal skalerbarhed. Med introduktion af edge-datacentre og colocation-sites (delt datalokation) bør kabinetter designes til at være fleksible og opfylde udstyrskrav, der skubber grænserne for maksimal køling og effektivitet.
Med FlexFusion™ XGL-serien har Panduit udvidet serien af kabinetter til datacentre. XLG-serien er oplagt til applikationer, der kræver maksimal fleksibilitet i implementering af datacentre, virksomhed eller colocations. Vælg mellem 16 prækonfigurerede modeller, der er udstyret med de væsentlige muligheder, der giver en enkel og omkostningseffektiv kabinetløsning.
Fordele med FlexFusion™ XGL kabinet:
Omkostningseffektiv: prækonfigureret med 80 % perforerede døre, sidepaneler, hjul og 1 sæt PDU-monteringsbeslag
Kort leveringstid: produceret i Europa for hurtigere levering
Stabilitet: 3500 LBS statisk belastning
Minimal obstruktion af gangarealer: 170 graders døråbning
Følsgaard udvikler og sælger produkter, der dækker alle el-tekniske aspekter i et datacenter. Vi har stor erfaring på området og ved, hvilke krav der stilles til pålidelighed, fleksibilitet og energiforbrug i datacentre.
Har du spørgsmål, eller vil du vide mere om FlexFusion™-kabinetterne eller eltekniske produkter til datacentre generelt, så kontakt Henrik Hansen på tlf. 87 88 77 17 eller hha@folsgaard.com
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