
Kalibreringsinstrumenter - Kalibrering udføres ved en sammenligning med et mere nøjagtigt instrument, hvis visningsfejl er kendt. Leverandører af kalibreringsinstrumenter finder du i listen på denne side

Leverandører af og viden om kalibreringsinstrumenter:

Buhl & Bønsøe A/S

Hassellunden 11 A
2765 Smørum
Tlf.: 45 95 04 10
E-mail: info@buhl-bonsoe.dk


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Elma Instruments A/S

Ryttermarken 2
3520 Farum
Telf.: 70 22 10 00
E-mail: info@elma.dk


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LTM Instruments A/S

Broager 28
2600 Glostrup
Telf.: 70 20 28 48
E-mail: info@ltm.as


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Norsonic Danmark

Søndre Alle 34
3700 Rønne
Tlf: 71 96 12 10
E-mail: info@norsonic.dk


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PCE Instruments Denmark ApS

Birk Centerpark 40
7400 Herning
Tlf.: 70 30 53 08
E-mail: kontakt@pce-instruments.com


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Scherers Elektro ApS

Valhøjs Alle 171
2610 Rødovre
Tlf.: 44 84 37 38
E-mail: steffen@scel.dk


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Schneider Electric Danmark A/S

Lautrupvang 1
2750 Ballerup
Tlf.: 88 30 20 00


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Teknologisk Institut

Kongsvang Allé 29
8000 Aarhus C
Tlf.: 72 20 20 00

E-mail: kalibrering@teknologisk.dk


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VibrAkustik ApS

Søndre Alle 34
3700 Rønne
Tlf.: 60 63 12 10
E-mail: mt@vibrakustik.dk


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ppm Industrial ApS

Engelsborgvej 31
2800 Kongens Lyngby
Tlf.: +46 31-742 08 77
Mobil: +45 26 700 962
E-mail: robert.bogekaer@ppmindustrial.com


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Ametek – Avanceret multifunktions signal kalibrator – så simpelt!

Processignaler er vigtige i mange industrier til for eksempel styring og indregulering af ventiler, switch test, trykmåling i rør og kalibreringstemperatur industrielle bageovne. Da dette er vigtige og kvalitetsgivende parametre stilles der store krav til nøjagtighed af disse signaler. Lige så vigtigt er det dog at vælge et instrument der er nemt og intuitivt at bruge, så hurtige og fejlfrie tilslutninger sikres.

Bringing Advanced Simplicity to a Multi-function Process Calibrator

Process signals are crucial in various industries, from controlling valves, switches, or lights to measuring pressure in a pipe to calibrating temperature in a bakery oven. With something so important used everywhere, ensuring that these process signals remain accurate is essential. Users have multiple choices on the calibration equipment they use, but one of the most important factors to consider is ease-of-use.

Because multiple process signals may be used, including volts, millivolts, amps, or milliamps, and each of these may have large range differences, most users turn to a multi-function calibrator to satisfy all situations. However, as the options increase, the instrument's complexity tends also to increase. For novice users, a task seemingly as simple as connecting the instrument to the signal may prove difficult.

The JOFRA ASC-400 Advanced Signal Calibrator has a solution with its new connection assistant. The ASC-400 now includes a built-in help function that offers a graphical solution to exactly how to connect the ASC-400s current set-up. If the measurement parameters change (from V to mA, for example), the connection assistant screen will change. Use the new feature to reduce errors and wasted time significantly.

The ASC-400 Multifunction Process Calibrator reads and sources RTD, Thermocouple, Current, Voltage, Frequency, Resistance, and Pulse Train Output. It combines features such as percent error calculation, scaling, leak-testing, and switch test calibrating into one handheld calibrator. The large full-color display, numerical keypad with a cursor, and function keys help simplify use.
